Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Socialism The Only Virtue Of Media

I was debating whether or not to write this expose of the wild world of social media. Social Media a term coined by the oh so informed media. I don’t know why it was coined as such; I mean there is no such thing as sociable media. The phenomenon grew from Myspace to myBook via twits. It corresponds to a desire to spread inane junk to the whole world.

Who care about the ugly boy at school that we bullied. We bullied him because he was a wastrel and now he is successful and wants to get petty revenge by showing off to all the people who ground him into the ground. What he does not realise is that even today we would still humiliate him. Being rich and successful is not an indication of strong character.

Why would I want to pretend to be friends with my first girlfriend ever who must have spend a fair while trying to figure out who Lemon Tree Man was from the hordes of other Lemon Tree Men. WE broke up for a reason, I don’t want to spend my life remembering the past, I want to move forward in life.

Who cares about what some drunk celebrity wants to say in 140 characters or less?
Seriously we are supposed to be intellectual beings and not absolute idiots. Social Media does not give us news, does not make us invent psychological friendships.
But the syndrome does not stop there, we are encouraged by everyone to share every sordid detail of our lives to everyone. At this rate the government will never need to spy again as we will volunteer all. Companies will no longer hire people as they can see them at their basest levels kissing pavements every Saturday night.
No need for courtship you can find out everything you ever wanted including your prospective partners credit history on the Social Media Scene.

So how do we cure this information overload? Why cure it I hear you cry? Well simply put life is boring if you know everything about everyone. What’s wrong with a little misery (oops *mistery), don’t you find it more fun discovering new things about people? I digress again! Cure it by not wasting your awake time looking for irrelevant information, no one cares what you are doing, no one cares how many ’online’ friends you have. No one wants to know who you did and when and if it was any good.

If you want to talk to someone I hear someone say.... well pick up the phone and arrange a meeting face to face, it would be more fun, you might scam a couple of beers and a dinner out of it. Better than spending it at home alone with a TV dinner and repetitive strain injuries because you can only type with your thumbs.
Help me help you give up on sharing.

Signing off

Lemon Tree Man

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a case of social media fatigue... well, i guess the good ole fashion way of postcard and letter writing might counter that...and I concur, the world can sure use a little more "mystery" and that's what makes life more fun :)... So hear ye hear ye! Here's to more fun and less info at the touch of your fingertips!
