Monday, 18 October 2010

The Joy of Monday Morning

Having realised that the weekend is over, I cringed at the thought of going to work. Having had an epiphany at 5 in the morning I realize that I am on holiday again. So I really did not need to get up and go to work.

Great I thought what plans for the day?
Phone the doctor, to attempt an appointment, is the first task of the day. 8:30am the place is closed, great, does no one work anymore? So I need to wait until 9; miracle occurs as I only need to wait 24hrs. Which for the UK is very good.

Task 2.... check my work e-mails...

Task3... bored now....

Task 4 think of something nice to do....

Task 5 go shopping...

Task 6... bored now...

Having spent most of my professional life being a workaholic, I find myself at a loss as to what to do when not being bothered by my work.

This is a terrible habit, one that should be curable but somehow in vain do I hope. It is not that I do not have things, to do... the list is endless and yes lots of... today.

It is just I have no compulsion to do them, at all. I can only spend so much time cleaning and gardening without getting cabin fever.

Preparing the house for guests later on in the week is great but now I sit and wonder whether I really want to have guests. The point of living on one's own is to be alone, yet all the while craving company.

Essentially, the idea of company is more solace than the actual company; this I fear is indicative of modern society, thus the creation of silly things like Facebook and MyFace and Twitter. All so that we can pretend to care and show everyone what an exciting life we lead.

Clearly we all go jumping of bridges with elastic bands and planes and go potholing everyday of the week; every night we are out getting drunk with our myriad of friends. So there you have it proof that our society is based on over active freaks with no social skills.

Seriously are we that afraid of others that we must indulge in extreme solo sports? What happened to having dinner with friends, going to sit in a cafe and people watch?
Answer my question and I might write more.

Signing off

Lemon Tree Man


  1. I suppose it's now the view that while life is not that terribly exciting all the time for most (excluding those in a war zone etc.), the social scene on the internet has equated "not updating" as being dull.

    Somehow it's become pressure to excel in every aspect your life, and certainly the "celebrity" culture doesn't help where they always seem to be travelling round the world laughing at poor people while eating various endangered species. It's all to be aspirational without achieving anything.

    Hence the need to feel like you are doing something all the time, whereas in reality we're lucky if something happens once a week. Like a bowel movement....

  2. Me tinks LTM is feeling this way purely because of the fact that it is a Monday and he has yet to switch from his "workaholic" mode to the "idyllic and carefree" holiday mode. Give it some time and he will adjust to the "holiday" mode soon much so that he just might leave his "terrible habit" behind for a while ;)

    Since you have been gearing up for company this week, you should embrace your guests' arrival and not have second thoughts as a hermit nor a unabomber you are not (we hope!) might enjoy yourself more than you expect ;)...No doubt living on one's own is to be alone but when one is in the mood for good company, it's ultimately your choice to decide who you want to invite no? "Me time" vs "friends time" on demand = best of both worlds! Yay!

    Admittedly, we all do have our moments and days where we want to be totally alone and so indulgence in solo sports will probably be effective during such times. Humans are and have been social creatures and regardless of what modern society is morphing into or what others are doing, my personal preference is still very much for to be in the "actual company" of friends..

    FB, Twitter, MySpace etc can only hold my attention for so long (yes, I do exhibit short attention spans for some things)...i'd take a sometimes routine sometimes spontaneous real life over an "exciting virtual" life in a heartbeat!
