#@!$$ is the un-typable expression that came out of my mouth this morning as a greeting. Its unimportant to note that it was very early in the morning before I had indulged in many coffees.
So I was talking to a friend last night and we were discussing the virtues of doing something productive, in our world this involves more of the doing anything other than watching the box and/or playing pc games. Life is really too short to waste doing anything else. How else am I supposed to be getting better than all those cheating foul mouthed 12 year olds? I am jesting in case you did not realize *shakes head*.
Anyhow I am doing that mind wandering again. Well in virtue of being productive my friend decided to have a play and update his site, so please go and have a look: http://oohsometimes.com
It makes me intrigued, what would push a person to change things; we are inherently afraid of change as human beings, that is why we end up stuck in ruts and complaining about how bad our lives are.
Do you complain about your life? What would you like to change?
So here is a challenge the person who can tell what they want to change and it appeals to me will get another box of chocolates.
Please note that stopping an addiction will not be classed as an acceptable answer.
Signing off
Lemon Tree Man
Whoever has taken Economics in school will be familiar with the phrase "Change is the only constant"
ReplyDeleteBeing generally an optimistic person, I like to regard change as a good thing and try to embrace it. However, due to the fact that i'm also a mere mortal, I of course do fall off my "optimistic" wagon now and then and right into the "comfort zone" trap. And it is this very trap which makes people resistant to change..Why fix something when it’s not broken right?..I guess to answer LTM's question of what would push a person to change could probably be that the person has totally maxed out his/her threshold for their current situation..that OR something drastic has happened and it forces the person to radically change his/her life?
Do I complain about life? Guilty as charged! ;).. Of course there are many things I want to change or should I say “allegedly” want to change but one thing for sure that I would like to change if I could is to have the privilege of having 2 sets of grandparents to watch me grow up and be a part of my life. Grandparents are definitely folks who will dote and spoil us rotten and naturally, our trump card against our parents as and whenever needed!! Muahahaha!:P … with the world becoming a huge melting pot and as I grow older, I want to know more about my culture and heritage – tho there’s nothing wrong with being one but sometimes I would prefer not to be a half baked Asian :P.. I reckon grandparents are the best gateway to help me understand and have a better idea of who we are. Having said that, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s grappling with their heritage so that’s why all the more, grandparents are important! :).. To those who have grandfolks, cherish them and to those who are like me, there isn’t really much we can do but to depend on ourselves to find out more of what we want to know about who we are :)