Gentlemen and ladies, this morning despite being a nice Friday is already very hard. I have sleep but not enough and I certainly don’t feel rested. Ok mostly it’s my fault that I have not gone to bed at a reasonable hour but then again if one is not tired one should not try to lie and bed to toss and turn.
It would seem that I have discovered that no matter how long or much you sleep, this is not indicative of how much rest you have. To be quite frank less sleep and more rest is what I am after. There days I need my rest, I want to be able to wake up in the morning and not feel so tired. It would be nice not to have huge bags under my eyes. Not being the vainest person in the whole world it does not mean I don’t try to look respectable. In fact this lack of rest is having a detrimental effect as I am too tired to shave at the moment.
Yes I said shave! I just can’t trust myself even with a safety razor. I fear that this is going to be a problem, much longer and I will end up with the worst whispy beard in the whole wide world. You may think that I may need to use an electric razor, but let me ask are electric razors green? I doubt it, besides if I used it, all it will do is tear my skin to shreds, I guess it would be better if I was hairy like a monkey but this is not possible so I must run around looking like a cheap hobo chav facially but like a typical class C geek everywhere else. This paints such a picture that I want to go home and hide in a cupboard.
Speaking of green, the newspaper had a lovely report condemning one of our supermarkets for making too much packaging for a roast beef? Really people we are not living in a communist state you know. There is nothing wrong with some packaging. In fact believe it or not it is required for most things, walking around with meat in your hands not packaged would be classed as a health and safety hazard. So how do you win? You can’t! The latest craze is to replace packets with plastic bags, be it coffee or cereals. If you stop and think, you will be confused; since when is plastic more recyclable than glass or cardboard? I am serious; since when? When was plastic that is not going to be recyclable, as it would otherwise perish before you could use the product, greener than cardboard and glass both of which are recyclable and reusable? You cannot reuse the plastic coffee packet, but I can use the glass jar for a hundred million things, even using it as a wall climbing deterrent, which incidentally people is illegal in this country.
Any how I am digressing again, I must stop this irritating habit born from a lack of concentration due to lack of rest. Does anyone know if taking sleeping tablet will increase rest or will it just make me sleep longer? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do? This is a cry for help and we would love to hear from you.
So please help me find a way to get more rest so I can get more inspiration to help entertain you.
Signing Off
Lemon Tree Man
I believe what LTM needs is QUALITY rest. A plausible solution to help LTM in having quality rest and possibly reverting into a Neanderthal (god forbid! nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!)would be melatonin!
ReplyDeleteEffects of having quality rest will reap :
1. No more or less pronounced panda eyes ;)
2. A clean shaven LTM -> no hairy monkey, no cheap hobo nor a class C geek and definitely no need for hiding in a cupboard becos as we know, a cupboard is meant for storing stuff (n pls note, this cupboard's the normal kind that i'm talking about and not the type found in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe :P)
3. Increased concentration, being more focused, resulting in more green movement support from LTM and useful and interesting hints and tips on saving GAIA :)
AND with more quality rest, it helps LTM to help us to provide more entertain to us all! Yay!
End of melatonin benefit analysis :)