Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Joys Of Aches

Today my hands ache. It is like mini arthritis. I cannot figure out if it is the cold, where it is really not that cold, the repetitive typing, or just my brain saying eat more healthily.

The reason we like the aches that any form of exertion gives us is because allows us to feel a sense of achievements. This however is not always the case, lots of people suffer those aches without feeling that sense of bliss that forms inside our sports mad acquaintances.

What about the people who suffer from chronic pains or people who are suffering from arthritis?

I find myself stuck in the middle, I suffer all of the above and at no point would I wish to lose the bliss of hard exercise but at the same time wish for the aches to end.

All that I get when my hands ache is that it will soon rain. Not an uncommon occurrence in the UK to be honest considering that on average we have 200 days of rain a year.

Yes 200 which is more than half. For those that live here we are astounded by the fact that this number is so big and for the tourists they are surprised at how small this number is. For visitors all this country provides is masses of rain and all our history and reputation and stereotypes are reinforcing the image of constant rain and drizzle.

As an example where in printed material do we see England as a sunny holiday town outside of our land? We are portrayed as a nation of umbrella toting bankers in grey pin stripe with bowler hats.

Really could not be more different, we are a nation of garishly obnoxious rich people and chavs. The poor middle classes are swamped by an excess of posh chaviness. This leads us to living in the past where the grass was most definitely greener.

So raise a glass to toast our past greatness and let us look to the future when we can hunt freely again, first culling the chavs, second culling the wankers and finally all the hippies, terror merchants, and other undesirables.

Signing off

Lemon Tree Man

PS before people wonder at what are the undesirables, I would ask them to think as to whom they believe are undesirable and append their names there. I cannot compile a list to suit all tastes as there would be no one left to enjoy our sacred land. Although should I be successful in my world domination plan then I would of course accommodate my needs only.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this made me smile because LTM has got his very own “in-built” weather forecast! .. Now….would many people want it? Hmm…nah! me thinks preferably not :P

    Considering that the statistics provided by LTM for UK’s average rainfall days is reflective :P, 200 out of 365 days pretty much takes up most of the days in a whole year… so does that mean it’s ka-ching for those whose business is to provide rain protection related merchandise?... Then again, although it rains often in the UK, at least you guys don’t get major floods…do you?

    Actually, I don’t think visitors are really bothered by the rain and constant drizzle and the mentioned stereotypes cos it's expected..else it will be a case of "what you see in the brochure is not what you get".. visitors will feel shortchanged! Therefore, this in turn proves that the marketing efforts of the tourism ministry has done a good job! Haha!

    Hmm….LTM’s toast to the future makes me pity the chavs, wankers , hippies, terror merchants and other undesirables! They will definitely need to have super quick feet and dodging prowess! ;)… All I can say is…. All the best! Else, RIP…;)
