Friday, 19 November 2010

Slash Dot Sickness.

Well here we find ourselves again, however this time with too much to say and 105 fever. So lets start at the beginning.

I am 4 hours away from the start of my holiday and for some insane reason have managed to catch the office bug in the last two days. Pray tell how am I supposed to deal with this? I am about to love many hours of holiday time to recovery.

I am not saying that you should fall sick during company time, god forbid this, I have been on the wrong side of this situations to many times to want to repeat it.
This is more about sod’s law; for those less educated it’s Murphy’s law, sod being a much more interesting person than Murphy the Irish New Yorker. It could be referred to as Karma for those spiritually inclined.

I am forced by taking vacation in the doubling of one of my colleagues workload, the company of course does not want me to work and pay me for vacation that I do not take, as it would amount to me taking it twice.

Now my preferred solution is that I get my vacation and that my silly customers learn that miracles come only sometimes and not all day every day. Well at least the miracle box machine needs to refuel sometimes.

Ok enough about the boring stuff... let us talk about advertising. I was walking down the tube ( Metro) the other day admiring the adverts, they are posters. Posters are inoffensive and to be frank the only form of advertising I enjoy.

To my horror I saw a poster for one of our ex-squadies turned pop star’s new album; this brought forth this unique thought, here we go suicide music round two. Yes depressing no? I don’t want to see depressing stuff on my tube walls.

A point of reference for the foreign people. James Blunt was a phenomenon after returning from war and making a song about being miserable, dumped, random love etcc…. All the things an Englishman should never talk about. English men have no emotions, do not show or express emotions, certainly not in public.

Needless to say he was a success with our emotion starved chavy women. Hence why he decided it would be a good idea to do another sing song. I don’t want to hear his new woes. Maybe he will sing about how now he is famous he can’t go to war anymore because all the enemies of the state will recognise him and shoot him for being a queer emotional whore. The truth is no one likes him and our soldiers would probably get rid of him and blame the enemies for being the first soldier to be WEAK.

Other exciting adverts include, the opera, mobile phones, the theatre and you guessed it charity. IF charity firms can pay to advertise, then why don’t they just save the money and use it for a good cause? A real charity will not need to advertise.

Signing Off

Lemon Tree man

1 comment:

  1. Am impressed that despite a fever of 105 and on the verge of getting very sick, LTM has still managed to retain his humour and squeeze in an article to entertain his readers! ;)

    Though I’ve to say it’s truly untimely to be sick when one’s about to embark on a much needed and well deserved holiday… hmm…what has LTM done to deserve such karma? !?!? :P

    In an ideal world, I suppose miracle workers are available 24/7, 365 days a year (366 of course, for leap years) BUT we are in the real world…SO…your customers will have to exercise patience and await your return for further miracle performances! ;)

    Personally, I think James Blunt will most probably not have a repeat success of his first album because the war is so over and seriously, the novelty is gone…. And since you say that an English men don’t show emotions nor show or express them especially in public, then all the more the nails are edging closer to sealing the coffin so to speak, no? … But having said that, as this is a strange world we that live in, I would think for as many of those who don’t like him, there might be twice as many of those who like him (be it male or emotion starved women that you so described)….Strange things DO happen right? So who knows? …I guess we will have to see how your fellow English country men swing! And if all else fails on homeground, he still has the Americans as a backup!

    Overall, me thinks LTM should be able to continue to indulge in his preferred form of adverts as I’m sure the exciting and fun ones far more outweigh the depressing ones? C’mon, Britain’s a HUGE country and surely has no lack of advertising talent right? ;)… And last but not least, yes, I agree that a real charity need not advertise; however, if it’s due to the fact that many bogus “charities” are riding on the goodwill of the real charities, then I think “advertising” with the intention of creating awareness and educating people is fine and of course there shouldn’t be any exacting of monetary terms for such a purpose…. Hmm… naïve thought? too idealistic?

    Get well soon LTM! :)
